The DATA statement stacks the series of expressions on a terminal input FIFO stack. Terminal input statements will then treat this data as if entered at the keyboard.


    DATA expression {, expression ...}


The expression may evaluate to any data type; views each comma-separated expression as one line of terminal input.


The data stacked for input will subsequently be treated as input by any jBC program. Therefore use it before PERFORM/EXECUTE, CHAIN or any other method of transferring program execution. Use also to stack input for the currently executing program; do not use to stack input back to an executing program.

When a jBC program detects stacked data, it is taken as keyboard input until the stack is exhausted. The program will then revert to the terminal device for subsequent terminal input.

Stacked data delimited by field marks (xFE) will be treated as a series of separate terminal inputs.



Program test.b:

       DATA '12345'
       DATA '67890'
       EXECUTE 'test2'

Program test2.b:

       INPUT V.DATA1
       INPUT V.DATA2
       CRT 'I got ' : V.DATA1 : ' and ' : V.DATA2

If test2 is run by itself, it asks for user input. If test is run, the output is:

     I got 12345 and 67890

Last update: Sat, 16 Jul 2022 15:34