OSBWRITE command writes an expression to a sequential file starting at a specified byte location.


    OSBWRITE expr { ON | TO } file.var [ AT byte.expr ] [ NODELAY ]  \
             [ ON ERROR statements ]

OSBWRITE immediately writes a file segment out to the UNIX, Windows NT, or Windows 2000 file. There is no necessity to specify a length expression because the number of bytes in expr is already written to the file.

OSBWRITE converts CHAR (128) back to CHAR(0) when writing a block of characters.


expr specifies the expression to be written in the file.

ON | TO file.var specifies the file on which the expression is to be written.

AT byte.expr specifies the byte number from where the expression is to be written. For example, if byte.expr is 0, then the expression is written in the beginning of the file.

NODELAY forces an immediate write.

ON ERROR statements are the statements executed if the OSBWRITE statement fails with fatal error, I/O error, or jBASE cannot find the file. If you do not specify the ON ERROR clause and a fatal error occurs, the program will terminate.

STATUS Function Return Values

After you execute OSBWRITE, the STATUS function returns either 0 or a failure code.

0The write was successful.
1The write failed.


Before you use OSBWRITE, you must open the file by using the OSOPEN or OPENSEQ command.

jBASE uses the ASCII 0 character [CHAR (0)] as a string-end delimiter. Therefore, ASCII 0 cannot be used in any string variable within jBASE. If jBASE reads a string that contains CHAR(0) characters by using OSBREAD, those characters are converted to CHAR(128).

TAFJ note: OSBWRITE statement isn't supported.


In the following example, the program statement writes the data in MYPIPE to the opened file starting from the beginning of the file:

Last update: Tue, 30 Aug 2022 15:47