OCONVS function converts the elements of dynamic.array to a specified format for external output.


    OCONVS(dynamic.array, conversion)

Converts the elements to the external output format specified by conversion and returns it in a dynamic array.

conversion must evaluate to one or more conversion codes separated by value marks (ASCII 253).

If multiple codes are used, they are applied from left to right as follows: the left-most conversion code is applied to the element, the next conversion code to the right is then applied to the result of the first conversion, and so on.

If dynamic.array evaluates to null, it returns null. If any element of dynamic.array is null, it returns null for that element. If conversion evaluates to null, the OCONVS function fails and the program terminates with a run-time error message.

The STATUS function reflects the result of the conversion:

0The conversion is successful.
1Passes an invalid element to the OCONVS function; the
original element
is returned. If the invalid element is null, it returns
null for that element.
unless dynamic.array is null, in which case it returns
2The conversion code is invalid.


For information about converting elements in a dynamic array to an internal format, see also: ICONVS function.


Description of date, time, number and currency conversions when used in ICONV and International Mode.

Last update: Sat, 16 Jul 2022 15:34