The GOSUB statement causes execution of a local subroutine, after which execution will continue with the next line of code.
GOSUB label
The label should refer to an existent label within the current source code, which identifies the start of a local subroutine.
var_1 = 1 ; var_2 = 2 ; var_3 = 3 GOSUB MAKE.ARRAY GOSUB OUTPUT ;* -1^-2^-3 var_1 = -1 ; var_2 = -2 ; var_3 = -3 GOSUB MAKE.ARRAY GOSUB OUTPUT ;* 1^2^3 var_1 = 1 ; var_2 = -2 ; var_3 = 3 GOSUB MAKE.ARRAY GOSUB OUTPUT ;* -1^2^-3 STOP *------------------------Subroutines------------------------------------ MAKE.ARRAY: dyn_array = NEGS(var_1 :@FM: var_2 :@FM: var_3) RETURN *------------ OUTPUT: CRT FMT(dyn_array, 'MCP') RETURN
If you, for example, forget a RETURN in MAKE.ARRAY section the execution will continue till the next RETURN, i.e. section OUTPUT will be executed 6 times instead of 3.
Last update: Sat, 16 Jul 2022 15:34