OCONV statement converts internal representations of data to their external form.


    OCONV(expression1, expression2)


expression1 may evaluate to any data type but must be relevant to the conversion code.

expression2 should evaluate to a conversion code from the list below. Alternatively, expression2 may evaluate to a user exit known to the jBC language or supplied by the user.


Description of date, time, number and currency conversions when used in ICONV and International Mode


OCONV will return the result of the conversion of expression1 by expression2. Shown below are valid conversion codes:

D{n{c}}Converts an internal date to an external date format.
The numeric argument n specifies the field width
allowed for the year and can be 0 to 4 (default 4).
The character 'c' causes the date to be return in the
form ddcmmcyyyy. If it is not specified then the month
name is returned in abbreviated form.
DIAllows the conversion of an external date to the
internal format even though an output conversion
is expected.
DDReturns the day in the current month.
DMReturns the number of the month in the year.
DMAReturns the name of the current month.
DJReturns the number of the day in the year (0-366).
DQReturns the quarter of the year as a number 1 to 4.
DWReturns the day of the week as a number 1 to 7
(Monday is 1).
DWAReturns the name of the day of the week.
DY{n}Returns the year in a field of n characters.
FGiven a prospective filename for a command such as
CREATE-FILE this conversion will return a filename
that is acceptable to the version of UNIX TAFC is
running on.
MCARemoves all but alphabetic characters from the input
MC/ARemoves all but the NON-alphabetic characters in the
input string.
MCNRemoves all but numeric characters in the input string.
MC/NRemoves all but NON numeric characters in the input
MCBReturns just the alphabetic and numeric characters from
the input string.
MC/BRemoves the alphabetic and numeric characters from
their input string.
MCC;s1;s2Replaces all occurrences of string s1 with string s2.
MCLConverts all upper case characters in the string to
lower case characters.
MCUConverts all lower case characters in the string to
upper case characters.
MCTCapitalizes each word in the input string; e.g. JIM
converts to Jim.
MCP{c}Converts all non-printable characters to a period
character "." in the input string. When supplied use
the character
"c" in place of the period.
MCPN{n}In the same manner as the MCP conversion, it replaces
all non-printable characters. The ASCII hexadecimal
follows the replacing character.
MCNP{n}Performs the opposite conversion to MCPN. The ASCII
hexadecimal value following the tilde character
converts to its
original binary character value.
MCDXConverts the decimal value in the input string to its
hexadecimal equivalent.
MCXDConverts the hexadecimal value in the input string to
its decimal equivalent.
GncxExtracts x groups separated by character c skipping n
groups, from the input string.
MT{HS}Performs time conversions.
MDConverts the supplied integer value to a decimal value.
MPConverts a packed decimal number to an integer value.
MXConverts ASCII input to hexadecimal characters.
TPerforms file translations given a cross-reference
table in a record in a file.


Date and time:

       CRT OCONV(1, 'D')         ;* 01 JAN 1968
       CRT OCONV( DATE(), 'D' )    ;* here and below output for 30 MAY 2013
       CRT OCONV( DATE(), 'D2' )   ;* 30 MAY 13
       CRT OCONV( DATE(), 'D4/' )  ;* 05/30/2013
       CRT OCONV( DATE(), 'DY' )   ;* 2013
       CRT OCONV( DATE(), 'DY2' )  ;* 13
       CRT OCONV( DATE(), 'DQ' )   ;* 2 (quarter)
       CRT OCONV( DATE(), 'DM' )   ;* 5 (month number)
       CRT OCONV( DATE(), 'DMA' )  ;* MAY
       CRT OCONV( DATE(), 'DD' )   ;* 30
       CRT OCONV( DATE(), 'DJ' )   ;* 150 (number of a day in the year)
       CRT OCONV( DATE(), 'DW' )   ;* 4 (day number in a week, starting from Monday)
       CRT OCONV( DATE(), 'DWA' )  ;* THURSDAY
       CRT OCONV( TIME(), 'MT' )   ;* 20:04
       CRT OCONV( TIME(), 'MTS' )  ;* 20:04:08
       CRT OCONV(1, 'MTS')       ;* 00:00:01
    * difference of 2 dates (in days)
       CRT ICONV('20121231', 'D') - ICONV('20111231', 'D')   ;* 366
    * Check if a year is a leap one
       CRT OCONV( ICONV('20131231', 'D4'), 'DJ' )    ;*  365
       CRT OCONV( ICONV('20161231', 'D4'), 'DJ' )    ;*  366


    * split a string
       the_string = 'LONG STRING TO BE SPLIT'
       the_split = FMT(the_string, '10L')
       CRT OCONV(the_split, 'MCP')         ;* LONG STRIN.G TO BE SP.LIT
    * hexadecimal output
       CRT OCONV(the_split, 'MX')
    * Output:
    * 4C4F4E4720535452494EFB4720544F204245205350FB4C495420202020202020
    * Remove non-alphabetic symbols:
       CRT OCONV(the_split, 'MCA')     ;* LONGSTRINGTOBESPLIT
    * Remove all alphabetic symbols:
       CRT OCONV( OCONV(the_split, 'MC/A'), 'MX' )  ;* 20FB202020FB20202020202020
    * Note FB symbols in the output above.. see what's that
       CRT OCONV('FB', 'MCXD')    ;* 251 a.k.a. @TM
       CHANGE @TM TO '->' IN the_split ; CRT the_split ;* LONG STRIN->G TO BE SP->LIT
    * Remove non-numeric symbols:
       CRT OCONV('another 1 bites the dust', 'MCN')    ;* 1
    * Remove all numeric symbols:
       CRT OCONV('another 1 bites the dust', 'MC/N')   ;* another  bites the dust
    * formatting
       CRT SQUOTE( FMT(the_string, '30L') )    ;* 'LONG STRING TO BE SPLIT       '
       CRT SQUOTE( FMT(the_string, '30R') )    ;* '       LONG STRING TO BE SPLIT'
    * replace some data
    * change case
       CRT OCONV(the_string, 'MCL')  ;* long string to be split
       CRT OCONV('do it', 'MCU')     ;* DO IT
       CRT OCONV(the_string, 'MCT')  ;* Long String To Be Split
    * extract delimited fields: skip 1 space-delimited word, take 3 from that point
       CRT OCONV(the_string, 'G1 3')  ;* STRING TO BE


    * amounts
       amount_fcy = 1234
       CRT FMT(amount_fcy, 'R%7')   ;*       0001234
       amount_fcy += 0.56
       CRT FMT(amount_fcy, 'R2*19')              ;*  ************1234.56
       CRT SQUOTE( FMT(amount_fcy, 'L2,#19') )     ;*  '1,234.56           '
       CRT FMT(-amount_fcy, 'R2,C&*$#15')        ;*           $1,234.56CR
       CRT FMT(amount_fcy,'L0')                  ;* 1235
    * phone numbers
       CRT FMT(1234567890, 'R((###) ###-###)')       ;* (234) 567-890
       CRT FMT(74952223355, 'R(+# (#3) #3-#2-#2)')   ;* +7 (495) 222-33-55
    * FMT() and OCONV() are often interchangeable;
    * though it's not the case for next 2 lines...
       CRT DQUOTE( FMT(123456.78, 'R2,$#15') )           ;*  "    $123,456.78"
       CRT DQUOTE( OCONV(123456.78, 'R2,$#15') )         ;*  Error in Range Test

User exits:

       CRT OCONV("", "U50BB")        ;* port number and user name
       HUSH ON
       HUSH OFF
       CRT OCONV("", "U30E0")        ;* number of items in active SELECT list
    * sleep
       start_time = TIME()  ;  dummy = OCONV(3, "U307A")
       CRT TIME() - start_time        ;* 3
    * reverse a string
       CRT OCONV('desrever saw gnirtS', "U51AA")
    * remove duplicate consecutive characters
       CRT OCONV('hhahhahh', "U31AC")        ;* haha

TAFJ note: user exits "U50BB", "U30E0" and "U51AA" were tested under TAFJ; none of them works.

TAFJ note 2: example that returns FE under TAFC and EFA3BE under TAFJ:

       OCONV(@FM, 'MX')

See also: FMT function.

Last update: Tue, 30 Aug 2022 11:03