NOTS function is used to return a dynamic array of the logical complements of each element of dynamic.array.
If the value of the element is true, the NOTS function returns a false value (0) in the corresponding element of the returned array. If the value of the element is false, the NOTS function returns a true value (1) in the corresponding element of the returned array.
A numeric expression that evaluates to 0 has a logical value of false. A numeric expression that evaluates to anything else, other than the null value, is a logical true.
An empty string is logically false. All other string expressions, including strings, which consist of an empty string, spaces, or the number 0 and spaces, are logically true.
If any element in dynamic.array is null, it returns null for that element.
X = 5 ; Y = 5 PRINT OCONV( NOTS(X-Y :@VM: X+Y), 'MCP' ) ;* 1]0