MODS function is used to create a dynamic array of the remainder after the integer division of corresponding elements of two dynamic arrays.


    MODS(array1, array2)

The MODS function calculates each element according to the following formula:

     XY.element = X ?? (INT(X / Y) * Y)

X is an element of array1 and Y is the corresponding element of array2. The resulting element is returned in the corresponding element of a new dynamic array. If an element of one dynamic array has no corresponding element in the other dynamic array, 0 is returned. If an element of array2 is 0, 0 is returned. If either of a corresponding pair of elements is null, null is returned for that element.


       A = 3 :@VM: 7
       B = 2: @SM: 7 :@VM: 4
       PRINT OCONV( MODS(A, B), 'MCP' )       ;*  1\0]3
Last update: Sat, 16 Jul 2022 15:34