The INMAT() function returns the number of dimensioned array elements.
INMAT( {array} )
Using the INMAT() function, without the 'array' argument, returns the number of dimensioned array elements from the most recent MATREAD, MATREADU, MATREADL or MATPARSE statement. If the number of array elements exceeds the number of elements specified in the corresponding DIMENSION statement, the INMAT() function will return zero.
Using the INMAT(), function with the 'array' argument, returns the current number of elements to the dimensioned 'array'.
In some dialects the INMAT() function is also used to return the modulo of a file after the execution of an OPEN statement, which is inconsistent with its primary purpose and not implemented in jBASE. To achieve this functionality use the IOCTL function with the JIOCTL_COMMAND_FILESTATUS command.
DIM cust_rec(99) MAT cust_rec = '' CRT INMAT(cust_rec) ;* 99 DIM cust_rec(299) cust_rec(150) = 'Y' CRT INMAT(cust_rec) ;* 299 CRT INMAT() ;* 0 * EXECUTE 'DELETE-FILE DATA F.TEMP' EXECUTE 'CREATE-FILE DATA F.TEMP 1 101 TYPE=J4' OPEN 'F.TEMP' TO f_temp ELSE ABORT 201, 'F.TEMP' new_rec = 'LINE 1' :@FM: 'LINE 2' :@FM: 'LINE 3' WRITE new_rec TO f_temp, 'REC1' * MAT cust_rec = '' MATREAD cust_rec FROM f_temp, 'REC1' ELSE CRT 'Read error' STOP END CRT INMAT(cust_rec) ;* 299 - current size CRT INMAT() ;* 3 * dyn_array = 1 :@FM: 2 :@VM: 3 :@SM: 4: @FM: 5 :@FM: 6 MATPARSE cust_rec FROM dyn_array CRT INMAT() ;* 4 (only FMs count) CRT FMT(cust_rec(2), 'MCP') ;* 2]3\4 DIM cust_rec(100,2) CRT FMT( INMAT(cust_rec), 'MCP' ) ;* 100]2