Introduction to embedded SQL

The name "SQL" is an abbreviation for "Structured Query Language". The SQL language enables the defining, manipulating and controlling of data in a relational database. A relational database is a database that appears to the user as a collection of tables. A table is defined to be an unordered collection of rows. Finally the SQL terminology tends to refer to records as rows and fields within a record as columns within a row.

Embedded SQL is a version of SQL designed for direct incorporation into hosts programs or specifically in the case of jBASE, into jBC programs.

An Embedded SQL jBC program contains normal jBC code statements plus an Embedded SQL declare section, zero or more embedded cursor definitions, zero or more embedded exception declarations and one or more Embedded SQL statements.

Embedded SQL declarations, definitions and statements are prefixed by the reserved words EXEC SQL. This part of the Embedded SQL standard also enables the jBC preprocessor to recognize and distinguish SQL statements from the normal jBC code statements. The Embedded SQL statements are terminated by a semicolon.

Embedded SQL statements can include references to jBC variables. The jBC variables must be prefixed with a colon to distinguish them from SQL column names. The jBC variables cannot be qualified or subscripted and must refer to scalars, i.e. character strings or numbers, not arrays or expressions.

All jBC variables that will be referenced in Embedded SQL statements must be defined within an Embedded SQL declare section, the jBC variable definitions are limited to simple forms. i.e. no expressions or arrays.

An Embedded SQL cursor must not appear in an Embedded SQL statement before it has been defined by an Embedded SQL cursor definition.

Any jBC variables that will be referenced in Embedded SQL statements must have a data type that is compatible with the SQL data type of the column with which they are to be compared or assigned. However this requirement does not prevent jBC variables from using the same name as Embedded SQL column references.

Embedded SQL statement exceptions can be handled either by utilizing the SYSTEM(0) function or predetermined by the SQL WHENEVER statement.

The following jBC code provides an example of using Embedded SQL for Oracle.

PartEntry.b listing (Oracle)

     * Declare jBC vars to use in Embedded SQL statements ( A )
     INT PartNo ;
     STRING(20) PartName ;
     STRING(16) User ;
     STRING(16) Passwd ;
     * Predetermine action on SQLERROR ( B )
     * Connect to database supplying user and password ( C )
     User = "demo" ; Passwd = "demo99"
     * Create Parts table ( D )
     PartName CHAR(20)
     * Loop until no more PartNos
     * Prompt for PartNo
         CRT "Part Number :":
         INPUT PartNo
     WHILE PartNo NE '' DO
     * Prompt for PartName
         CRT "Part Name :":
         INPUT PartName
     * Add PartNo and PartName into Parts table ( E )
         EXEC SQL INSERT INTO Parts VALUES (:PartNo, :PartName ) ;
     * Commit updates to database ( F )

( A ) Declare jBC variables to use within Embedded SQL statements

This section declares jBC variables so that they can be used within Embedded SQL statements. All references to jBC within the Embedded SQL statement must be prefixed by a colon. This feature of the Embedded SQL standard is used by the jBC preprocessor to identify jBC variables when parsing the Embedded SQL statement. The jBC variables must be the same data type as the source or target Embedded SQL columns.

( B ) Predetermine action on SQLERROR

This section configures the action to take on detecting an error with the previous executed Embedded SQL statement. Every SQL statement should in principle be followed by a test of the returned SQLCODE value. This can be achieved by utilizing the SYSTEM(0) function, which returns the result of the last SQL statement, or alternatively using the Embedded SQL WHENEVER statement to predetermine the action for all subsequent Embedded SQL statements. The SYSTEM(0) function will return three different possible values.

<0Embedded SQL statement failed.
0Embedded SQL statement successful.
100NOT FOUND. No rows where found.

The format of the Embedded SQL WHENEVER statement is as follows:

EXEC SQL WHENEVER Condition Action ;


ConditionNOT FOUND
ActionDO Function - Oracle implementation.
CALL Function - Ingres and Informix implementations.
GOTO proglab_Label - IBM DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server
FunctionUser defined function.
SQLERROR() - Display Embedded SQL error then return to
SQLABORT() - Display Embedded SQL error then exit program.
LabelLabel in executing program:

( C ) Connect to database supplying user and password This section connects the specified user and password combination to the SQL database. This command can be Embedded SQL implementation dependent. The user must be correctly configured for the target database.

( D ) Create Parts table. This section creates an SQL table called Parts. The table has two constituent data types, these are defined as an integer value PartNo and a character string PartName. The PartNo is defined as a non null unique value and is defined as the primary key. This definition provides a close match to the usual format of a record and id. The only data type that is truly common to all hosts and their languages is fixed length character strings, the integer value used here is for demonstration purposes and is not recommended.

( E ) Add PartNo and PartName into table Parts. This Embedded SQL statement inserts the values entered for PartNo and PartName into the SQL table Parts. PartNo is inserted as the first column whereas PartName is inserted as the second column of each row. Effectively PartNo is the record id and PartName is the first field in the record PartNo. The jBC pre-processor parses the Embedded SQL statements and provides code to convert any specified jBC variables to the format required by the Embedded SQL implementation. Any returned parameters are then converted back into jBC variables.

( F ) Commit updates to database. This Embedded SQL statement makes all updates by Embedded SQL statements since the last SQL commit statement visible to other users or programs on the database. If a program executes an Embedded SQL statement and no transaction is currently active then one is automatically started. Each subsequent SQL statement update by the same program without an intervening commit or rollback, is considered part of the same transaction. A transaction terminates by either an Embedded SQL COMMIT, normal termination, or an Embedded SQL ROLLBACK statement, abnormal termination. An abnormal termination does not change the database with respect to any of the Embedded SQL updates executed since the last commit or rollback. Database updates made by a given transaction do not become visible to any other distinct transaction until and unless the given transaction completes with a normal termination. i.e. an Embedded SQL COMMIT statement.

Last update: Sat, 16 Jul 2022 15:34